On My Shoulders

On My Shoulders

I’m really starting to figure out a formula that works for me when I paint smaller, simpler works like this one. Getting details like eye brows, lash lines, the corners of eyes, and nostrils correct is extremely important; the individuality of your subject is in these details. And if you paint these details correctly, the basic planes of the face can often be simplified more than you thought possible and sometimes also the lips. I usually do my best to soften or omit creases under the eyes and around the nose because painting those details too strong is unflattering. Getting the character of the hair right is also important, but one can usually manage to do that and be playful with the brush strokes  because there is more room for interpretation. The background should be developed along with the hair, and there is always opportunity to have fun here. Fortunately for me, this painting felt like it painted itself, making the whole thing fun from start to finish. That doesn’t always happen, and I never take it for granted when it does!


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